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    Frequently asked questions about Anchovies

    Are anchovies a super food?

    Anchovies are rich in Vitamin B12, which plays an important role in energy production, formation of red blood cells, neurological health, digestions and maintain healthy nerves, vision and skin. However, anchovies may be high in sodium, which should be consumed moderately. This is the reason SWC insist in using high quality salt in our production, which is much milder compared to other suppliers.

    Why there are different prices of dried anchovies in the market?

    Dried anchovies price is determined by factors such as the type of specie, appearance, size, drying mode, taste, texture, aroma and most of all, the monsoon seasons.

    Can anchovies be eaten raw?

    Our products are actually precooked and dried, so it can be eaten raw. The natural sweetness of the anchovies and mild salt gives a robust of delicious sea flavor in the mouth. However, our products are classified as Ready To Cook and not Ready To Eat so it is highly recommended for consumers to cook it before consuming.

    Are young children suitable to consume dried anchovies?

    Yes, it can be consumed by consumers of all ages. Dried anchovy powder can act as the most natural and healthy flavor enhancer to baby and elderly food, which improves appetite plus multiple nutrients at the same time.

    How to cook with the dried anchovies?

    Dried anchovy is a staple ingredient in lots of south east Asian cuisines. You may refer to our SWC recipes uploaded on our page here.